Gnaphalium sylvaticum L. - Accepted: Gnaphalium sylvaticum L. bei The Plant List (2014), version 1.1; Familie: Asteraceae (Compositae) (APG III)Gnaphalium sylvaticum L. - Accepted: Gnaphalium sylvaticum L. bei The Plant List (2014), version 1.1; Familie: Asteraceae (Compositae) (APG IV)Gnaphalium sylvaticum L. - Synonym: Omalotheca sylvatica (L.) Sch. Bip. & F. W. Schultz bei Schmeil-Fitschen 2019; Familie: Asteraceae (Compositae) (APG IV)Omalotheca sylvatica (L.) Sch. Bip. & F. W. Schultz - Accepted: Omalotheca sylvatica (L.) Sch. Bip. & F. W. Schultz bei Schmeil-Fitschen 2019; Familie: Asteraceae (Compositae) (APG IV)