Useful information about the plant family

Family: Araceae Juss. 1789

Distribution maps

(online von . Dort zitiert wie unter jedem Diagramm vermerkt):
Unterfamilie Aroideae (Araceae)

map: from Mayo et al. 1997, distribution attributable to Calla alone in green
Unterfamilie Gymnostachyioideae (Araceae)

Gymnostachys anceps. East Australia (map: from Mayo et al. 1997)
Unterfamilie Lasioideae (Araceae)

map: from Mayo et al. 1997
Unterfamilie Lemnoideae (Araceae)

map: Hultén 1962; Meusel et al. 1965; Landolt 1986 - "absence" in tropical America and Africa may be due to undercollecting; Fl. Austral. 39: 2011
Unterfamilie Monsteroideae (Araceae)

map: from Mayo et al. 1997
Unterfamilie Orontioideae (Araceae)

map: from Mayo et al. 1997
Unterfamilie Pothoideae (Araceae)

map: from Mayo et al. 1997
Unterfamilie Zamioculcadoideae (Araceae)

map: from Mayo et al. 1997