Logo der Hohenheimer GärtenPlants of the Hohenheim Gardens

This site offers you the possibility to take a look at the plant stock of Hohenheim Gardens virtually.
All information is deposited in a database, which we also use as a management tool. We would like to make the data concerning the plants in the gardens available to all visitors. Researchers and students can inform themselves about plant species, that can be found in the gardens and can possibly get new encouragement. Visitors can find further leading information that can perhaps help to complete the experience oft he gardens. Therefore we do not only want to show text informations, but furthermore increasingly pictures oft he plants. We hope, that all visitors can find joy and encouragement and besides value the extraordinary diversity oft he plants in our gardens.

We offer various search possibilities, which you can use to find plants in Hohenheim Gardens:

Search plant with names Search plants in garden sections

You can find the departments within Hohenheim Gardens in the illustration.

Exotischer Garten Schlosspark Landschaftsgarten Phylogenetisches System Pflanzenquartiere für Studierende Moderner Arzneipflanzengarten Arzneipflanzengarten der Hildegard von Bingen Geschichte der Nutzpflanzen Geschichte der Nutzpflanzen Geschichte der Nutzpflanzen Geschichte der Nutzpflanzen Vegetationsgeschichte der Nacheiszeit

Hohenheim Gardens are a historically grown ensemble of differing garden departments, which in varying garden styles and scientific direction offer highly interesting things for many visitors. The state arboretum, established more than 240 years ago as Exotic Garden and extended in the 1990s with the landscape garden, as well as the around 1830 developed Palace Park show woody plants from all over the world.
Recent Garden departments like for example the plant systematic section, the vegetation history section with the gardens showing useful plants and both medicinal plant gardens complete the picture of a diverse garden arrangement., which allows the visitor room for many discoveries.
When searching for particular plant species you can use both online databases that contain the plant stock of Hohenheim Gardens. You can search for taxa, that means plant species, subspecies, varieties and cultivars. Further youcan check get additional information and the particular location oft he plant specie in the gardens.

We hope that you enjoy discovering Hohenheim Gardens.

Your team of Hohenheim Gardens

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