Useful information about the plant family

Family: Tofieldiaceae Takht. 1995

Tofieldiaceae can be recognised by their equitant, isobifacial leaves; racemose inflorescences in which there is usually a 1-3-membered "calyculus" below the flower; and undistinguished monocot flowers with the tepals usually free and the tips of the carpels each with a clearly separate stylodium. The fruit is usually a septicidal capsule. (APG II website, 6.5.2009)

Distribution maps

(online von . Dort zitiert wie unter jedem Diagramm vermerkt):

map: see Hultèn 1961; Meusel et al. 1965; Hultén & Fries 1986; Fl. N. Am. 26: 2002; Campbell 2010