Useful information about the plant family

Family: Bromeliaceae Juss. 1789

Mostly rosulate herbs, occasionally with elongate stems, frequently epiphytic; rarely tree-like with thick woody stem
Tropical to warm temperate regions of the Americas, ut one species of Pitcairnia in tropical Africa
Floral characters
inflorescences indeterminate flowers bisexual, radial, with perianth differentiated into a calyx and corolla, borne in the axils of brightly coloured bracts sepals: 3, distinct to connate petals: 3, distinct to connate, often with a pair of appendages at the base, imbricate stamens: 6, filaments distinct to connate, sometimes adnate to petals carpels: 3, connate; ovary superior to inferior stigmas: 3, usually spirally twisted
Leaf characters
spiral, narrow, parallel-veined, entire or spinose-serrate, usually with stalked peltate water-absoring scales; usualy concaveadaxially, channeling water to centre of rosette ("tank"); containing water storage tissue and air channels
Fruit characters
berry, or less often a septical capsule, rarely multiple and fleshy (Ananas comosus)
present; nectaries
present; water-absorbing peltate scales, occasionally merely stellate
Ananas comosus (pineapple): edible fruit Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish moss): dried stems and leaves are used as stuffing material spp. of Aechemea, Bilbergia, Bromelia, Guzmania, Neoregelia, Pitcairnia, Tillandsia, Vriesea provide ornamentals
Chemical characters
papain-like proteolytic enzymes, e.g. Bromelin

Distribution maps

(online von . Dort zitiert wie unter jedem Diagramm vermerkt):

map: from Givnish 2004a
Brocchinia (Bromeliaceae)

map: from Smith & Downs 1974