Useful information about the plant family

Family: Gnetaceae Blume 1833

Most species are Lianas, some small trees and shrubs. 40 species.
Exclusively in the tropics; Neotropics, West-Africa, India and South-East-Asia up to the Fidschies
Floral characters
unisexual, dioecism or monoecism, placed in the leaf axil,in ring-shaped,connate scale-pairs. Inflorescences spike-like. Female flower consists of ovule with two integuments and perianth. Male flower consists of stamens and perianth.
Leaf characters
Elliptic, reticular veins, alternate or whorled.
The species gnetum gnemon is cultivated in Malaysia for nutrition. Fruit contains storageproteins (see chemical characteristics)
Chemical characters
Fruits contain ligumin.

Distribution maps

(online von . Dort zitiert wie unter jedem Diagramm vermerkt):

map: see Renner 2005b