Tilia dasystyla Steven - Accepted: Tilia dasystyla Steven bei The Plant List (2014), version 1.1; Familie: Malvaceae (APG III)
Color of flower
hermaphrodite flowers; flowers with pubescent styles; inflorescence with 3-5 flowers fused to a bract by the glabrous peduncles
Flower ecology
insect-pollinated (entomophilous) (honeybees)
Life form
heart-shaped; lower surface with fasciculate hairs in the axils of the main veins; petiole 26-56 mm long
Foliage persistence
nut fruit
Fruit ecology
wind-dispersed (anemochorous)
Natural occurrence (habitat)
hardwood forests, oak-hornbeam forests; woodlands, rocks or scree, ravines, valleys of high mountains, valley slopes, south-facing steep slopes
Vegetation typ and synecology (plant community)
temperate mixed deciduous broad-leaved forests to warm-temperate (Mediterranean) mixed deciduous/evergreen forests (in communities of the Orobo-Fagenion orientalis)
occasionally used as a beekeeping plant; used for silvicultural purposes locally in the Caucasus
grey, with longitudinal, narrow furrows
Altidudinal lower limit (sea level in m)
Altitudinal higher limit (sea level in m)
Erhardt, W., Götz, E., Bödeker, N. & Seybold, S. (2008): Der große Zander. Enzyklopädie der Pflanzennamen. Band 2. Arten und Sorten. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart (Hohenheim), 18. Aufl., 2103 S.; Pigott, D. (2012): Lime-trees and Basswoods: A Biological Monograph of the Genus Tilia. Illustrierte Ausgabe. Cambridge University Press, USA: 395 S. 9780521840545.; The International Plant Names Index (2009). Published on the Internet http://www.ipni.org; Courtesy to IPNI, 2009. Exported from IPNI at date: 2009-09-22 20:17:51; The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. www.iucnredlist.org;
Taxonomic update: Database method on: 10.3.2020Update of the description: Matthias Krause; latest by: Matthias Krause on: 26.3.2019In the list below you will find the geographic coordinates of many woody plants in the garden. In these cases the points are marked in the map. If no coordinates are listed, the coordinate of the point in the map marks the middle coordinate of the section.