Logo der Hohenheimer GärtenFound taxa in family search

found for search string -Clethraceae- : 5 of actual 8330 recorded individuals, belonging to 4 Taxa (species, subspecies, ...)

Clethra acuminata Michx. 1803
Clethraceae (APG IV)
USA: Nordosten, Südosten ...

Clethra alnifolia L. 1753
Clethraceae (APG IV)
Erlenblättrige Zimterle
USA: Nordost, Südost, Florida, Sou ...

Clethra barbinervis Siebold & Zucc. 1846
Clethraceae (APG IV)
Japanische Zimterle
Japan, Korea ...

Clethra tomentosa Lam. 1786
Clethraceae (APG IV)
Filzige Zimterle
Südöstliche USA ...