Logo der Hohenheimer GärtenFound taxa in family search

found for search string -Smilacaceae- : 4 of actual 8274 recorded individuals, belonging to 4 Taxa (species, subspecies, ...)

Smilax aspera L. 1753
Smilacaceae (APG IV)
Raue Stechwinde
Süd-Europa, Kanarische Inseln, Tür ...

Smilax bona-nox L. 1753
Smilacaceae (APG IV)
USA: Südosten, Texas; Mexiko ...

Smilax rotundifolia L. 1753
Smilacaceae (APG IV)
Rundblättrige Stechwinde
Kanada: Ost; USA: Nordost, Nordost ...

Smilax tamnoides L. 1753
Smilacaceae (APG IV)
Steifborstige Stechwinde
USA ...