Useful information about the taxon (species, subspecies, variety...)

Tilia cordata Mill. 1768
Malvaceae (APG IV)
small-leaved lime, small-leaved linden
Akzessionnummer: SP-EB-013-15746
Pflanzjahr: 2019

Taxon concept: The Plant List (2010)
Distribution: Europe, Caucasus, North Iran, western Siberia, western Asia
Size: 10 - 30 (m)

Tilia cordata Mill. - Accepted: Tilia cordata Mill. bei Zander 2008; Familie: Tiliaceae (Zander 2008)
Tilia cordata Mill. - Accepted: Tilia cordata Mill. bei The Plant List (2010); Familie: Malvaceae (APG III)
Tilia parvifolia Ehrh. ex Hoffm. - Synonym: Tilia cordata Mill. bei The Plant List (2014), version 1.1; Familie: Malvaceae (APG III)
Tilia cordata Mill. - Accepted: Tilia cordata Mill. bei The Plant List (2014), version 1.1; Familie: Malvaceae (APG III)
Tilia cordata Mill. - Accepted: Tilia cordata Mill. bei The Plant List (2014), version 1.1; Familie: Malvaceae (APG IV)
Tilia cordata Mill. - Accepted: Tilia cordata Mill. bei Schmeil-Fitschen 2019; Familie: Malvaceae (APG IV)
Tilia cordata Mill. - Accepted: Tilia cordata Mill. bei BfN Checklist Flora DE; Familie: Malvaceae (APG IV)

Color of flower
whitish green
hermaphrodite flowers
Flower ecology
insect-pollinated (honeybees)
Life form
woody, tree
upper leaf side glabrous
Foliage persistence
Fruit ecology
wind-dispersed (anemochorous)
Soil conditions
preferentially on fresh to moderately dry, alkaline, neutral to slightly acidic, humus-rich, mostly deep, sandy or stony loam, loess or clay soils
Light conditions
semi-shade to shade plant (Oberdorfer 2001)
Root type
top soil and deep rooting plant
Succession type
soil stabiliser
Natural occurrence (habitat)
thermophilous mixed deciduous forests, oak-hornbeam forests, oak-ash forests, mixed ravine and slope forests, maple slope forests, montane forests; at summer warm climate sites
Vegetation typ and synecology (plant community)
temperate, mixed mesophytic deciduous forests; Carpinion character species, also member of Tilio-Acerion, Quercion roboris or Alno-Ulmion
Constraints according soil conditions
sensitive to salt
Constraints according moisture
not drought resistant
General recommendation
recommended for beekeeping
as ornamental tree; wood can be used for making small furniture and tool handles; used as medicinal plant: has sedative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic and diuretic properties
Phytopathogenic organisms
is sensitive to the fungal pathogen Phytophthora plurivora
Altidudinal lower limit (sea level in m)
Altitudinal higher limit (sea level in m)

Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) (1999-2001 and ongoing): Floraweb - Daten und Informationen zu Wildpflanzen und zur Vegetation Deutschlands.;

Eaton, E. et al. (2016): Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos and other limes in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats. In: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publication Office of the EU, Luxembourg;

Erhardt, W., Götz, E., Bödeker, N. & Seybold, S. (2008): Der große Zander. Enzyklopädie der Pflanzennamen. Band 2. Arten und Sorten. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart (Hohenheim), 18. Aufl., 2103 S.;

Ministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Forsten, Baden-Württemberg (Hrsg.) (1985): Pflanzenkatalog zur Verbesserung der Bienenweide und des Artenreichtums (Kurztitel: Bienenweidekatalog);

Oberdorfer, E. (2001): Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora. Für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, 8., stark überarb. u. erg. Aufl, 1056 S. 978-3-8001-3131-0.;

The International Plant Names Index (2009). Published on the Internet; Courtesy to IPNI, 2009. Exported from IPNI at date: 2009-09-22 20:17:51;

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.;

Last update:
Taxonomic update: Helmut Dalitz on: 7.1.2021
Update of the description: Helmut Dalitz; Matthias Krause; latest by: Matthias Krause on: 26.3.2019

In the list below you will find the geographic coordinates of many woody plants in the garden. In these cases the points are marked in the map.
If no coordinates are listed, the coordinate of the point in the map marks the middle coordinate of the section.