Useful information about the plant family

Family: Theaceae Mirb. ex Ker Gawl. 1816

A family of shrubs and trees,usually with sclereids;tannins present.with the youngest leaf typically coiled at the twig apex.16 genera,300 species.Major genera: camellia (80 spp ) and gordonia (70 ) .
Worldwide in the tropics or subtropics , but also extending into temperate regions.
Floral characters
Inflourescences axillary,fasciculate of flowers solitary,flowers bisexual,sepals 4-7 , free or basally connate,petals mostly 5,free or basally connate,usually large and conspicious,stamens 5 , 10 or often numerous, free or basally connate,ovary mostly superior,3- or 5- locular
Leaf characters
more or less serrate leaves ( this can vary even within a species ),at least inconspicously near apex.. Secondary venation often immersed and non-apparent.Some punctate T have entire leaves;These differ from Myrsinaceae in having rounder punctation,which are blackish even in juvenile leaves and buds.Simple,toothed,teeth theoid,alternate,often coriacous,margins entire to serrate.pinnate venation.
Fruit characters
loculicidally dehiscent capsules or dry or fleshy berries.
present, simple and unicellular
Chemical characters

Distribution maps

(online von . Dort zitiert wie unter jedem Diagramm vermerkt):
Gordonieae (Theaceae)

map: from Camp 1947; Bloembergen 1952
Stewartieae (Theaceae)

map: from Hong 1993
Theeae (Theaceae)

map: from Camp 1947, approximate