Useful information about the plant family

Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Martinov 1820

258 genera, 6970 species; herbs, shrubs, or trees; stems often square in cross-section; often with iridoids and phenolic glycosides
Floral characters
inflorescences with indeterminate main axis and determinate (cymosely branched) lateral axes, often congested into pseudowhorls, terminal or axillary; flowers bisexual, usually bilateral; sepals usually 5, connate, calyx radial to bilaterat, +/- tubular, bell-shaped, or wheel-shaped, persistent, occasionally enlarged in fruit; petals usually 5, connate, usually 2-lipped, lobes imbricate; stamens 4, didynamous to +/- equal, sometimes reduced to 2; filaments adnate to corolla; pollen grains tricolpate or hexacolpate; carpels 2, connate; ovary superior, unlobed to deeply 4-loped, 2-locular but appearing 4-locular due to development of false septa, with axile placentation; style usually apically divided, terminal to gymnobasic; stigmas 2, tiny and inconspicous at apices of style branches; ovules 2 per carpel, each laterally attached (attached on false septa very near the inrolled carpel margins), with one integument and a thin-walled megasporangium; nectar disk often present
Leaf characters
usually opposite, occasionaly whorled, simple, sometimes lobed or dissected, or pinnately or palmately compound, entire to serrate
Fruit characters
a drube with 1-4 pits, an dehiscent, 4-seeded pod, or schizocarp splitting into 4 nutlets or 4 drupelets; endosperm scanty or lacking
Present, glandheaded, with ethereal oils (including terpenoids), and simple
essetial oils: Mentha (peppermint, spearmint), Lavandula (lavender), Marrubium (horehound), Nepeta (catnip), Ocimum (basil), Origanum (oregano), Rosmarinus (rosemary), Salvia (sage) Satureja (savory), and Thymes (thyme); Timber Tree: Tectona (teak); numerous genra provide ornamentals, including Ajuga (bugleweed), callicarpa (beauty-berry), clerodendrum, Plectranthus (coleus), Holmskioldia (chinese-hat plant), Leonotis (lions ear), Monarda (bee balm), Pycnanthemum (mountain-mint), Salvia, Scutellaria (skullcap) and vitex (monk´s-pepper)
Chemical characters
etherial oils, flvinoides, tanines, bittering, silicole

Distribution maps

(online von . Dort zitiert wie unter jedem Diagramm vermerkt):

map: from Vester 1940; Hultén 1971; Van Balgooy 1975