Useful information about the taxon (species, subspecies, variety...)

Quercus robur L. 1753

Fagaceae (APG IV)
common oak, pedunculate oak, European oak, English oak
Taxon concept: The Plant List (2010)
Distribution: Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, North Africa

Quercus robur L. - Accepted: Quercus robur L. bei The Plant List (2010); Familie: Fagaceae (APG III)
Quercus robur L. - Accepted: Quercus robur L. bei Zander 2008; Familie: Fagaceae (Zander 2008)
Quercus robur L. - Accepted: Quercus robur L. bei The Plant List (2014), version 1.1; Familie: Fagaceae (APG III)
Quercus robur L. - Accepted: Quercus robur L. bei The Plant List (2014), version 1.1; Familie: Fagaceae (APG IV)
Quercus robur L. - Accepted: Quercus robur L. bei Schmeil-Fitschen 2019; Familie: Fagaceae (APG IV)
Quercus robur L. - Accepted: Quercus robur L. bei BfN Checklist Flora DE; Familie: Fagaceae (APG IV)

Difference to related species
tolerates higher ranges of extreme differences in temperature and humidity than sessile oak (Quercus petraea)
monoecious; flowers in hanging catkins
Flower ecology
wind-pollinated (anemophilous)
Life form
woody, tree
Foliage persistence
Fruit ecology
gravity-dispersed (barochorous) and animal-dispersed (zoochorous) (esp. Eurasian jays)
Soil conditions
mesic, alkaline-poor and rich, also calcareous, humus-rich loam and clay soils
Root type
Natural occurrence (habitat)
woods, oak woods, high forests, coppice woodland, riparian mixed forests
Vegetation typ and synecology (plant community)
temperate mesophytic broad-leaved deciduous and mixed forests; mainly Alno-Ulmion (Querco-Ulmetum) or ground-moist Carpinion associations; character species of the Querco-Fagetea
in forestry for wood production; timber used in construction, for building ships, furniture production and as veneer and plywood

Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) (1999-2001 and ongoing): Floraweb - Daten und Informationen zu Wildpflanzen und zur Vegetation Deutschlands.;

Erhardt, W., Götz, E., Bödeker, N. & Seybold, S. (2008): Der große Zander. Enzyklopädie der Pflanzennamen. Band 2. Arten und Sorten. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart (Hohenheim), 18. Aufl., 2103 S.;

Jäger, E. (Hrsg.) (2011): Rothmaler - Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Grundband. Band 2. Springer Spektrum Verlag, 20., neu bearb. u. wesentl. erw. Aufl.: 944 S. 978-3-8274-1606-3.;

Ministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Forsten, Baden-Württemberg (Hrsg.) (1985): Pflanzenkatalog zur Verbesserung der Bienenweide und des Artenreichtums (Kurztitel: Bienenweidekatalog);

Oberdorfer, E. (2001): Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora. Für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, 8., stark überarb. u. erg. Aufl, 1056 S. 978-3-8001-3131-0.;

The International Plant Names Index (2009). Published on the Internet; Courtesy to IPNI, 2009. Exported from IPNI at date: 2009-09-22 20:17:51;

Sex Standort Accession number Planting year Donation IPEN Lat. Long.
Parzelle D EG-D-094-20886 XX-0-HOH-EG-D-094-20886 48,709973963 9,2071943621
Parzelle F EG-F-065-20887 XX-0-HOH-EG-F-065-20887 48,7086969694 9,2067778169
Parzelle H EG-H-063-20884 1910 XX-0-HOH-EG-H-063-20884 48,7084194221 9,2077644411
Parzelle K EG-K-012-20888 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-012-20888 48,7096415519 9,2087162466
Parzelle K EG-K-035-20894 1800 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-035-20894 48,7096032205 9,2087937418
Parzelle K EG-K-060-20895 1800 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-060-20895 48,709580797 9,2088065438
Parzelle K EG-K-076-20896 1800 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-076-20896 48,7095241186 9,2087115898
Parzelle K EG-K-081-20897 1800 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-081-20897 48,7095391128 9,208813736
Parzelle K EG-K-085-20898 1800 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-085-20898 48,7094812843 9,208807559
Parzelle K EG-K-086-20899 1800 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-086-20899 48,709446 9,20888
Parzelle K EG-K-087-20900 1800 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-087-20900 48,7093243461 9,2088281611
Parzelle K EG-K-099-20901 1800 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-099-20901 48,7093252716 9,2088136941
Parzelle K EG-K-105-20902 1800 XX-0-HOH-EG-K-105-20902 48,7093416207 9,2089323544
Parzelle L EG-L-121-20890 1880 XX-0-HOH-EG-L-121-20890 48,7072785838 9,2091795545
Parzelle M EG-M-072-20889 1900 XX-0-HOH-EG-M-072-20889 48,7074302692 9,2092537841
Parzelle M EG-M-036-20893 XX-0-HOH-EG-M-036-20893 48,7086098372 9,2087598779
Parzelle M EG-M-037-20903 1900 XX-0-HOH-EG-M-037-20903 48,708658723 9,2085945308
Parzelle O EG-O-007-20891 1885 XX-0-HOH-EG-O-007-20891 48,7078521736 9,2102149392
Parzelle O EG-O-016-20892 1890 XX-0-HOH-EG-O-016-20892 48,7082484983 9,2100232686
Parzelle O EG-O-060-20904 1785 XX-0-HOH-EG-O-060-20904 48,7077558211 9,2103370673
Parzelle O EG-O-061-20905 1785 XX-0-HOH-EG-O-061-20905 48,7077707504 9,2104345905
Parzelle O EG-O-062-20906 1785 XX-0-HOH-EG-O-062-20906 48,7077161966 9,2103735062
Parzelle O EG-O-063-20907 1785 XX-0-HOH-EG-O-063-20907 48,7076976174 9,2104477778
Parzelle P EG-P-056-20885 1785 XX-0-HOH-EG-P-056-20885 48,7072144113 9,2092154302
Parzelle P EG-P-057-20908 1900 XX-0-HOH-EG-P-057-20908 48,7075667633 9,2105043256
Parzelle P EG-P-043-20909 1880 XX-0-HOH-EG-P-043-20909 48,7074897537 9,2107000259
Parzelle P EG-P-054-20910 1785 XX-0-HOH-EG-P-054-20910 48,7072080696 9,2092858527
Parzelle E SP-EB-055-2974 2015 XX-0-HOH-SP-EB-055-2974 48,7107868404 9,2119593279
Parzelle H SP-HB-036-10069 XX-0-HOH-SP-HB-036-10069 48,7106055409 9,2125803924
Parzelle J SP-JB-008-10077 2016 XX-0-HOH-SP-JB-008-10077 48,7113766329 9,2148324658
Parzelle K SP-KB-028-10103 2016 XX-0-HOH-SP-KB-028-10103 48,7110021261 9,215158535
Parzelle L SP-LB-034-10174 2004 XX-0-HOH-SP-LB-034-10174 48,7107931483 9,2154913795
Parzelle N SP-NB-066-10258 XX-0-HOH-SP-NB-066-10258 48,7114791079 9,2167214699
Parzelle N SP-NB-029-15871 2019 XX-0-HOH-SP-NB-029-15871 48,7111196651 9,2164127684
Parzelle N SP-NB-017-17879 2017 XX-0-HOH-SP-NB-017-17879 48,7112151064 9,2161135322

Last update:
Taxonomic update: Helmut Dalitz on: 5.1.2021
Update of the description: Helmut Dalitz; Matthias Krause; latest by: Matthias Krause on: 18.2.2019

In the list below you will find the geographic coordinates of many woody plants in the garden. In these cases the points are marked in the map.
If no coordinates are listed, the coordinate of the point in the map marks the middle coordinate of the section.