Useful information about the taxon (species, subspecies, variety...)

Acer palmatum Thunb. 1784
Sapindaceae (APG IV)
Japanese maple, palmate maple
Akzessionnummer: EG-P-027-20394
Pflanzjahr: 2011
Patenschaftstext: Zur Erinnerung an Ingrid Zimmermann

Taxon concept: The Plant List (2014), version 1.1
Distribution: Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan

Acer palmatum Thunb. - Accepted: Acer palmatum Thunb. bei The Plant List (2010); Familie: Sapindaceae (APG III)
Acer palmatum Thunb. - Accepted: Acer palmatum Thunb. bei Zander 2008; Familie: Aceraceae (Zander 2008)
Acer palmatum Thunb. - Accepted: Acer palmatum Thunb. bei The Plant List (2014), version 1.1; Familie: Sapindaceae (APG III)
Acer palmatum Thunb. - Accepted: Acer palmatum Thunb. bei The Plant List (2010); Familie: Sapindaceae (APG IV)

Color of flower
red bloom colour
Flower ecology
wind-pollinated (anemophilous)
Life form
tree or shrub
Foliage persistence
Fruit ecology
wind-dispersed (anemochorous)
Natural occurrence (habitat)
forests, thickets, valleys
Vegetation typ and synecology (plant community)
temperate, mesophytic broad-leaved deciduous and mixed forests
Constraints according radiation (light)
shade tolerant
ornamental tree; timber used for the production of a variety of household goods and furniture; sugary sap can be used as a drink or concentrated to syrup which is used as a sweetener on many foods
smooth, greenish grey or light brown

Erhardt, W., Götz, E., Bödeker, N. & Seybold, S. (2008): Der große Zander. Enzyklopädie der Pflanzennamen. Band 2. Arten und Sorten. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart (Hohenheim), 18. Aufl., 2103 S.;

Kunkel, G. (1984): Plants for Human Consumption.. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein 3874292169.;

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.;

Last update:
Taxonomic update: Database method on: 31.3.2020
Update of the description: Matthias Krause; latest by: Matthias Krause on: 12.2.2019

In the list below you will find the geographic coordinates of many woody plants in the garden. In these cases the points are marked in the map.
If no coordinates are listed, the coordinate of the point in the map marks the middle coordinate of the section.